▌INGO Center is full of energy today! 
來自香港、新加坡、印尼、印度、泰國等東南亞國家共66位參加亞洲大學Summer Program的國際學生,於今(19)周四參訪INGO中心,讓光復新村充滿活力與熱鬧的氣息。
▌Students from Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, India, and Thailand, who attend the Asia University Summer Program, visited INGO center on July 19th. Today, their liveliness can be traced throughout the whole Guang-Fu village. 
▌Nana, a student from India, expressed her interest in the INGO center. She said that she will share the experiences in Taiwan with her professors and friends. She anticipates coming back to the INGO center in the future. 
此次參與Summer Program的學生皆來自世界排名前百大學:如印尼的UMY、Airlangga University(排名印尼前十名)、印度馬德拉斯、新加坡南洋理工大學及香港中文大學。這群優秀的學生們此次訪臺除學習社會責任(CSR)、學習台灣公民社會發展的現況外,同學對臺中這座城市也留下美好印象。
▌Students who attend this summer program are all from World Top 100 universities, such as Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Airlangga University (ranked top 10 in India), University of Madras, Nanyang Technological University, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The main purposes for these outstanding students to visit Taiwan are to learn corporate social responsibilities and Taiwan’s development of the civil society. Moreover, these students have opportunities to go around Taichung and visit some well-known places. Indeed, they will have a good impression of Taichung city. 
▌The INGO Center hopes that these young, amazing teenagers can share the center’s mission and goals to more people and help the center to connect with more people, places, and things. By doing so, they help to plant the seed for the future development and cooperation of Taiwan and Southeast Asia.





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