
霧峰學  Asia University 亞洲大學  
▌International NGO Research Center of Asia University: Creativity and Leadership Class Student Exhibition
▌Professor LIAO SHU-JUAN has opened a class called Creativity and Leadership and has invited the lecturers who have been working in a social enterprise, for example, ma’am LI, XIU-WEI from Homemakers Union Consumers Co-op, to share their experiences to the students. Field trips are also included in the class; students had a chance to visit TreeHope Ecohub. With a deeper understanding of the business model and vision of social enterprises, Professor hopes her students could be inspired. 
此系列課程自由度極高,除讓學生針對兩本書(商道/Infinite Vision)組織讀書會外,另將學生分組,並讓學生自選臺灣一所社會企業,以「商道」此書所介紹的五種方法自行研讀。經過一學期的探討,同學們於6/21(星期四)上午於INGO中心舉行成果發表。
▌The class gives students a lot of freedom, in addition to having students to organize their own study groups about the two following books: 商道 and Infinite Vision, students are divided into groups and are allowed to choose a Taiwanese social enterprise on their own to study with the five methodologies introduced by 商道. On Jun.21, students had their presentation onstage about what they learned during the class in INGO Center. 
▌International NGO Research Center of Asia University is one of the groups that are currently stationing INGO Center. It is committed to guiding students to study Wu-Feng Local Study and local NGOs, and it’s also one of the important bridges connecting INGO Center and the locals.

感謝 Sylvia Wang 主辦活動與資料提供喔。❤️







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