▲以下附上中英內文/English translation included
Global Environmental Education Program (GEEP) 參訪團的20位外賓於6月1日下午4點抵達INGO中心進行參訪。GEEP是致力於提倡「環境教育」的組織,由美國國家環境保護局 (Environment Protection Agency)、行政院環境保護署、北美環境教育協會(North American Association for Environmental Education)於2014年共同創立。
▐ 20 foreign guests of GEEP arrived INGO center at 4pm on Jun, first, 2018. GEEP is a program committed to promoting “Environmental Education”, and was founded by United States Environment Protection Agency, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C, and North American Association for Environmental Education in 2014.
此次來臺參訪團有來自澳洲、印度、日本、博茨瓦納、俄羅斯、美國、愛爾蘭、越南、馬來西亞等多達12國的貴賓;其中有聯合國(United Nations)環境規劃署代表、北美環境教育協會執行董事Judy Braus、俄羅斯康奈爾大學教授Alex Kudryavtsev等等。
▐ Guests are from 12 countries, including Australia, India, Japan, Botswana, Russia, U.S., Ireland, Vietnam and Malaysia; among whom are representative of United Nations(UN), Executive Director of North American Association for Environmental Education, Judy Braus, and professor Alex Kudryavtsev from Cornell University.
▐ Members of GEEP are highly interested in how INGO Center operates, and looking forward to having more interaction and opportunities with the center in the future.