
▌American Senators and Representatives visiting INGO Center |



▌Because of the invitation from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a group of ten American senators and representatives has come to INGO Center today. After listening to the presentation of INGO Center, senators and representatives had a tour walking around INGO Center, and had a delightful conversation with INGO Center staffs.  




▌On behalf of Taichung City Government, Senior Executive Officer of Social Affairs Bureau, Ms. LAI,YUAN-RU welcomed the guests and said, "International NGO Center is one of Mayor Lin's important momentous; he hopes to attract international NGOs focusing on different topics to station in Taichung, building Taichung into a international city of splendor. Though the visit was short, I hope Taichung gave you a good impression, and in the near future, we can see you again." 


訪團外賓紛紛對國際NGO中心之規劃,表達深厚興趣。團長新墨西哥州州參議員蘇士偉(William Soules)表示:「非政府組織是全世界共同關注的議題,台中設置NGO中心的規劃,不僅對台灣有重要的戰略價值,也對亞洲公民社會崛起有重要的示範作用。」


▌Senators showed their great interest in INGO Center. Group leader, William Soules, also a senator from New Mexico said, " NGO is a shared topic among the world, and Taichung establishing INGO Center is not only important to Taiwan in terms of diplomatic strategy, but also demonstrative to the society.   

此次參訪團團員包含亞利桑納州多數黨領袖艾任強(John M. Allen)、新墨西哥州州參議員馬天理(Richard C. Martinez)、亞利桑納州眾議會交通與基礎建設委員會副主席江道瑞(Harold “Drew” John)等9位參議員或眾議員,以及江道瑞副主席夫人江黛華(Mrs. Deborah John)共計10人。所有成員都是第一次到訪台灣, 在台中國際NGO中心停留一個多小時後,將前往日月潭繼續參訪行程。

▌Other senators that have visited INGO Center included John M. Allen, Richard C. Martinez, and Harold “Drew” John; Mrs. Deborah John, wife of Harold “Drew” John was also here. This was their first time in Taiwan. After one hour in INGO Center, they moved on to their next activity: going to Sun Moon Lake.





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