臺中市長林佳龍今(12)日出席「INGO 中心國際顧問頒證儀式暨國際自由婦女聯盟亞太總部宣布設立記者會」,除頒贈國際顧問證書與紀念獎座給國際自由聯盟主席Dr.Juli Minoves-Triquell;同時也與與會貴賓共同簽署「國際自由婦女聯盟亞太總部宣布設立意向書」。      


▌Lin, Chia-Lung, mayor of Taichung City, presented in the “International Certificate Ceremony of INGO Center and Press Conference for Launching Asia-Pacific Center of International Network of Liberal Woman” on July 12th. He not only presents the International Advisory Certification to Dr. Juli Minoves-Triquell, president of the Liberal International, but he also signs the Letter of Intent in regard to the establishment of the INLW Asia-Pacific Chapter in the INGO Center with Dr. Margaret de Vos van Steenwujk, the president of the International Network of Liberal Woman.


此活動除邀請國際自由聯盟主席Dr.Juli Minoves-Triquell、國際自由婦女聯盟(INLW)主席Margaret de Vos Van Steenwijk- Groeneveld二位外賓到訪,外交部主任祕書蔡明耀、文化部文化交流司司長吳紹開、外交部中部辦事處處長宋子正、無任所大使楊黃美幸以及立法委員林靜儀、羅致政也應邀出席活動。


▌In addition to the presence of our distinguished guests—Dr. Juli and Dr. Margaret, we are beyond honored and content to see the Secretary General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Tsai, Director General of Ministry of Culture, Mr. Wu, Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Central Office, Mr. Sung, Ambassador Maysing Yang, Legislator Jing-Yin Lin, and Legislator Chih-Cheng Lo to present in today’s event.


林佳龍市長表示:「我們新任國際顧問-Dr. Juli Minoves,同時也是我耶魯的同學,感謝他在就任國際顧問的第一天就給我們帶來好消息,國際自由婦女聯盟INLW將在台灣成立亞太總部,並且進駐國際NGO中心。這不僅是台灣軟實力的證明,也代表臺中對國際組織確實有吸引力。」


▌Lin, Chia-Lung claims that Dr. Juli is his peer from Yale University, and he appreciates Dr. Juli for bringing great news—the establishment of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of INLW in the INGO center—right from the first day of inauguration. He elaborates that this achievement proves Taiwan’s soft power and Taichung’s appealing condition to international NGOs.




▌In addition, Mayor Lin mentions that during his time working in the central government agency, the Executive Yuan, he realized that if Taiwan wants to increase its national power, it must first start from the local level. He states that all counties and cities should improve their competency and explore their unique features. Reinforced his two important policies— Taking our society to the world and promoting Social Empowerment Project are two of my important policies, he hopes in the future that these two policies will become one of Taichung’s specialty.  


國際自由聯盟主席Juli也說:「台灣用NGO跟世界交朋友是很正確的策略,台灣NGO的實力與影響力舉世聞名,INGO中心可以成為連結台灣與世界的窗口,傳遞自由、民主、平等的價值給國際社會。」Juli 也稱讚臺中市政團隊的用心與認真:「臺中的市政規劃真的很好,加上林市長的國際視野與遠見,讓臺中成為台灣的重要城市,也讓國際組織願意選擇臺中作為根據地,未來我也可以引薦更多國際組織來認識臺中。」


▌In addition, Mayor Lin mentions that during his time working in the central government agency, the Executive Yuan, he realized that if Taiwan wants to increase its national power, it must first start from the local level. He states that all counties and cities should improve their competency and explore their unique features. Reinforced his two important policies— Taking our society to the world and promoting Social Empowerment Project are two of my important policies, he hopes in the future that these two policies will become one of Taichung’s specialty.


位於霧峰光復新村的國際NGO中心,總計有282間房舍。目前在臺中市政府自行修復完成的13間房舍之中,除四間當做共享空間之外,剩下9間房舍,已經有兩支德國國際救難隊BRH 、ISAR、台中搜救犬隊、亞洲大學國際交流中心、社團法人台灣畫話協會等5單位組織進駐。此外,台灣尤努斯基金會以及成立中的國際自由婦女聯盟亞太總部,也將申請進駐。另外,聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)也會與同濟會合作,將在台灣設立分會,並且進駐臺中國際NGO中心。

▌Dr. Juli asserts that Taiwan is moving on the right track of developing diplomacy, which Taiwan utilizes NGOs to build up a solid relationship with other countries. Given that Taiwan’s development of NGOs is well-known around the world, INGO center can become a contact and connection for Taiwan and the world. Therefore, the values of liberty, democracy, and equality can be spread out the world. He also complimented Taichung government’s municipal planning and acknowledges Mayor Lin’s prospective policies and vision. As a result, Taichung will become a crucial city in Taiwan, which it attracts international NGOs from stationing in Taichung. In the future, he will introduce Taichung to more NGOs.














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