【Link Taichung to the World:世界臺灣商會聯合總會走訪國際NGO中心】
▌Link Taichung to the World: World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce (WTCC) visited INGO center. 
▌President of the WTCC, Kico Lin, Chief Supervisor of the WTCC, Aki Hsu, Vice President of the WTCC, Diana M.C, Jost-Liu, and Secretary General of WTCC, John Lin, came to INGO center on July 17th. They not only listened to the presentation of the INGO Center but also tasted aiyu jelly and shaved ice made by the young entrepreneur in the village. 
Later on, they headed back to the Taichung City Hall to meet the deputy Mayor, Mr. Chang. 
▌The Executive Director of Taichung City Government International Affairs Commission, Sy-Chi, Doong, welcomed WTCC for coming to the INGO center. He believed that developing the INGO center is a cornerstone for Taichung to become an international city. Moreover, the establishment of the INGO center can also increase employment opportunities for young adults. For example, in the United States, NGOs have become the second largest employment market. 
對於NGO領域,世界臺灣商會聯合總會亦是十分熟悉。聯合總會於2009年於紐約成立 STUF United Fund 世台聯合基金會,主要關注議題為人道救援、教育、公共醫療、及環境保育等。基金會透過與NGO、NPO、政府部門合作,希望創造永續改變(Sustainable changes),讓世界更美好。現基金會的慈善項目足跡已遍布五大洲、25個國家;相信今後的為善之旅將繼續下去。

▌WTCC is particularly familiar with the field and function of NGO. In 2009, WTCC established STUF United Fund in New York City. It mainly focuses on the issue of humanitarian, education, public health, and environmental protection. The foundation connected NGOs, NPOS and the government hoping to achieve sustainable changes of making the world matter. Today, the foundation already spread out to five different continents and 25 countries. With kindness, STUF wished to continue to reach for more people who are in need.
▌World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce held its annual meeting in Taichung for two consecutive years, which evidences Taichung’s rising influence on the international stage. INGO center will continue to devote in Taichung and let the world recognize Taichung.









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