
  世界NGO日創辦人Marcis Liors Skadmanis於8月13-21日間應臺中市政府邀約到訪臺灣;此行目的除與市府討論明年合作世界NGO日論壇以及參訪INGO中心,其在臺期間更參訪家扶、同濟總會、臺中梧棲國際志工營,深入了解臺灣NGO深耕的領域及碩果;也與林依瑩副市長、社會局局長呂建德、臺中市政府國際事務委員會董思齊、國際同濟會兒童基金會董事長黃家興、同濟總會會長許嫦娥等見面,交換對臺中設立國際NGO中心的見解。此外,Marcis得知臺中即將於11月舉辦花博,他也簽署了「花博宣言」來表示支持臺中市舉辦花博的理念。

  Marcis Liors Skadmanis, the founder of World NGO Day, made his visits to Taiwan during August 13th to the 21st under the warm invitation from Taichung City Government. He came with the delight of discussing the potential collaboration with Taichung City Government on hosting World NGO Day forum in the following year. During his visit, guided tours to the INGO center, Center for Children and Families, Kiwanis Taiwan and YMCA Work Camp were scheduled to showcase Taiwan’s efforts and fruitful results in promoting and supporting NGO affairs in the country. In addition, several conducive conversations regarding the establishment of the INGO center in Taichung were successfully made between Marcis and Deputy Mayor Lin Yi-Ying, Director of Social Affairs Bureau Lyu Chian-De, Director of INGO Center Dong Sy-Chi, Chairperson of Kiwanis Taiwan Huang Chia-Shing and Director of Kiwanis Taiwan Hsu Chang-Er. Marcis was also introduced to the upcoming Taichung World Flora EXPO. He demonstrated his full support for the GNP concept of the Flora EXPO by signing the Taichung Declaration.  

  世界NGO日(World NGO DAY)是Marcis在2009年所發起,當時他僅是一位24歲的英國大學生,希望宣揚NGO領域的重要與表揚在NGO辛勤付出的人們。「Celebrate,Collaborate, and Commemorate」(慶祝、合作、紀念)是世界NGO日的核心理念;截至2018年為止,全球橫跨六大洲共有89個國家皆會於每年2月27日慶祝世界NGO日。

  World NGO Day was founded by Marcis in 2009, when he was just a 24-year-old college student in the UK. This day was established in the hope of addressing the importance of NGO sector while celebrating the dedicated NGO workers in making many missions possible. “Celebrate, Collaborate and Commemorate” are the core concept of the World NGO Day and there are currently over 89 countries across 6 continents celebrating this occasion every year on February 27th.

  Marcis認為NGO存在於生活的每一個面向,生活處處都可與NGO做連結。就以工作面向來說,據統計2018年共有五千萬NGO工作者;預計至2030年人數將會翻倍成長為一億。這一億人所創造的產值將可被視為世界第五大經濟體。Marcis在與INGO中心進駐單位、創業青年交流時也特別提到:「未來如何把NGO與企業(Private Sector)做更密切的結合,將會是非常關鍵的問題。」
  Marcis believed that NGO connects to many aspects of life. According to statistics, there are more 50 million NGO workers around the globe in 2018 and this number is expected to double by the year 2030. These workers can very well be considered as the fifth largest economic unit in the world for the work that they provide. 

 Marcis also expressed his affection towards Taichung and the INGO Center. He believed that on top of Taiwan’s continuous positive economic performance, its democracy and conveniency can become important factors that support the growth of the INGO Center. There can also be enormous opportunities for the creation of local employment and to further increase the diplomatic leverage that Taiwan has on hand if the INGO Center can successfully seek more support from the private enterprises. In his talk with the representatives and young entrepreneurs stationed in the INGO Center, he specifically pointed out that “it’s critical in establishing a closer connection between the private sectors and the NGOs”. However, Marcis was still impressed with Taichung’s ambition and effort in transforming Taichung into an international City; the promotion of the INGO Center and the hosting of World Flora EXPO are two of the exemplary attempts that made Taichung outstanding. 
  此行Marcis也與國際NGO中心商討2019年舉辦「 World NGO Day in Taichung」的可能性。希望邀請世界知名NGO領導人來台,舉辦各種面對面對談、專題演講、實做工作坊、行動博物館等。除帶起大眾對NGO的認識與思考外,也讓國際NGO更了解霧峰光復新村國際NGO中心的使命,以及臺中將國際NGO中心打造成國際NGO部落的決心。

  Discussion between Marcis and the INGO Center on the possibility of hosting World NGO Day forum in Taichung was conducted aiming to invite world known NGO leaders to Taiwan and to construct a platform to present face-to-face dialogues, thematic sessions, workshops and mobile museum to the public. This will not only be an opportunity to have more people understand the work of NGOs, but it will also allow the NGOs in the world to know more about Wufeng Guang-Fu INGO Center, of its plans and missions.



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